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Asking for the Deal

negotiate [ni-goh-shee-eyt]

verb (used without object), ne·go·ti·at·ed, ne·go·ti·at·ing. to deal or bargain with another or others, as in the preparation of a treaty or contract or in preliminaries to a business deal. -

A negotiation is a powerful tool. It is a special conversation and to most people it is a way of life. You see, all around the world people negotiate. In most countries it is a normal process of any transaction. A negotiation can build a special relationship, it can provide an even agreement made to benefit both parties. A negotiation is a valuable part in finding a deal. Many people negotiate everything, anywhere… except here (in the United States). Why is that? Why do we not negotiate our common expenses? Why have we settled on paying retail prices? Okay okay so yeah we do negotiate some, with cars, houses, and other very large transactions, but even many don't do that anymore. What about all the transactions smaller than a car? Our furniture, our clothing, our groceries, our tech gear, our entertainment, etc?

Now I'm not talking about making an offer on every single can of beans or loaf of bread at the grocery store, trying to haggle with Susie at the Walmart. Listen, how many of us ask the person at the register “do you guys have any coupons or promotions going on? Anything that could help me with the price of this transaction?” Or “sir, is there any way we can bring down this price?” “Would you happen to have one in the stockroom that may have a small scratch that I could buy at a discount?” How about this, “Is there anything I can do to help lower this total?” or “If I purchase this, would you add in that?” Oh and one more. "I will be paying in cash, so will you take this amount?" Don't under estimate the power of cash! Green paper will excite a man more than a small plastic rectangle, I promise!

Just asking simple questions can work wonders! The worst someone can say is “no” and you leave with the money you walked in with or paying the exact same price that everyone else did! So give it a try, it's a very simple way to find a deal. Be honest and very polite, make a new friend in the process. You will be surprised at how a cashier or merchant looks for a way to help out. To conclude, try this, negotiate and/or just simply Ask for the Deal. What would it hurt?

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